What is Availability Set and Availability Zone in Azure?

What is Availability Set and Availability Zone in Azure?

What is Availability Set and Availability Zone in Azure? In Availability Set, VM`s copy is created and is isolated with separate physical servers, computer racks, storage units, network switches in a data center within a region so if one of the VM stops working then still we have the copy of the VM working within the same datacenter. While Availability Zone ensures that complete datacenter data is replicated to another place at a distance within the same region so that even if complete data center fails due to any reason then also Availability of data is ensured.

How to Prepare for DP-200 Exam?

How to Prepare for DP-200 Exam?

I have passed the DP-200 exam on 28 Oct 2020. I have gone through the various study material and courses in order to prepare for the exam. Overall, the time taken by me for the DP-200 exam is approx 3 months. Ideally, you should not take 3 months of time but due to lack of guidance, I happen to take a number of online courses which was not required to be taken for passing the DP-200 Exam.